Support DBDS

How to Give Directly to DBDS?

Are you interested in supporting DBDS graduate programs, compute infrastructure, and/or DBDS faculty and trainee research?

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to directly support faculty working on the frontlines of current biomedical data science research. We would be truly grateful to have your support for our teaching and research missions.

To give directly to Biomedical Data Science, go to the online giving page. Under “Direct your gift” change “Med Fund” in the second menu to “Other Stanford Designation” and type “Department of Biomedical Data Science” in the “Other” field. You can choose the type of gift and the amount, and either log in to your Stanford account or continue as a guest to finish your donation.

Gifts and Donations to Stanford DBDS

DBDS has benefited greatly from the financial generosity of alumni and other donors. We have two funds which support student activities:

  • Biomedical Data Science Gift Fund. Donations from alumni support pizza lunches, dinners during grant-writing sessions, turkey and trimmings for the annual holiday party and DBDS logo items for recruits and students. Additionally, the fund provides books for graduating student representatives and gift cards for poster award winners at the annual retreat.
  • Darlene Vian Memorial Fund for Student Support. This endowed fund was established in memory of beloved student services administrator, mentor and confidant, Darlene P. Vian, who passed away in 2011.  In May 2016, the fund was endowed with the initial $100,000 of gifts from Darlene’s many alumni, colleagues, friends, and relatives.  The Vian Fund supports student activities that Darlene knew were key to a cohesive program and career success, such as the annual offsite retreat, travel expenses for conferences, student recruiting receptions, barbeques, TGI parties and alumni dinners.  It may also be used to support student research projects and tuition.  Donors at the $1000+ level are acknowledged on a perpetual memorial plaque in the Medical School Office Building.

Please contact our Student Services Team if you would like information about how to make a tax-deductible contribution to any of these funds.

Interested in exploring a partnership with DBDS?

Intrested in a partnership with the Department of Biomedical Data Science (DBDS)? Please visit out External Engagement Program page.