Quantitative Sciences Unit and Stanford Data Science are hosting an AI-themed symposium

The focus: integrating AI into the data scientist’s workflow, discuss challenges and solutions, implications for the next generation, where we would address how the field is/should be evolving, how graduate programs should accommodate, and what is needed to support the training/education of the next generation.

Speakers/participants include Lloyd Minor, Ruth O’Hara, Michael Pencina from Duke, Sylvia Plevritis, Sara Singer, Melissa Bondy, Michelle Williams (former Dean of Harvard’s School of Public Health), Steve Goodman, and Nigam Shah

Register here: https://bit.ly/3NOw4p6

lillustration of large language models and medical health care

The Shah Group has new systematic review in JAMA Network: Testing and Evaluation of Health Care Applications of Large Language Models (and it’s free!)

The Shah Group has a new  systematic review — https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2825147 — in JAMA on Testing and Evaluation of Health Care Applications of Large Language Models, which the editor has chosen to make free.

The review categorizes 500+ papers based on the data used in the evaluation, the health care task performed, the linguistic task evaluated, the dimensions of evaluation, and the medical specialty that did the study.

Congratulations, Shah Group!